Written by: Kaivel Kartaar Singh Sandhu, SportWORKS Officer, S4N Surrey

Greetings all!
During the month of May for the Sport for Newcomers Surrey project, DiverseCity Surrey partnered with Canlan Ice Sports to provide an incredible experience for newcomers to learn to skate. The event was held on Mondays at 4:50pm in Burnaby. We all met at the main campus of DiverseCity and left on a school bus to the rink. Partnering with Canlan, we were able to provide the group with free skates and rentals for helmets. Once the kids were fitted we headed onto the ice! The participants were on a role the moment they hit the ice. Some had been on the ice before and some had never been to an ice rink. But all of the members were having a lot of fun. Once the event was over we had brochures handed out for learn to skate. The overwhelming response about the field trip was ecstatic and we had a majority of the group return the next week!