Written by: Jordyn Connell, SportWORKS Officer, Sport for Newcomers Charlottetown
Hi Everyone!
I’m back to tell you about the fun and exciting event we put on this past weekend. On Saturday June 24th, with the help of Dance Virtuosa, we hosted a Come Try Hip Hop Dance Classes for Newcomers, ages 6-18. This event was held at Dance Vurtuosa’s Charlottetown studio starting at 9am with a group of 10 kids in grades 1-4, followed by another group of around 10 kids in grades 5-8 at 11, and finishing off the day with a group of around 15 kids in grades 9-12 at 1. There was a pretty good mix of both boys and girls who participated in this camp over the weekend especially in the 9-12 group.
Each session was held by one of the Hip Hop Dance instructors at the studio, they ran the groups through warm ups, they did “across the floor” teaching them isolated skills/dance moves and each group had the chance to learn a dance routine as well, they finished off the sessions with games such as freeze dance and a cool down stretch. As the groups got older throughout the day they were able to learn more advanced skills and dance routines. In the group in the afternoon of grades 9-12, we found out that there were some kids who had a recreational hip hop dance group that would rent out the dance studio space at Holland College. They surprised us all and performed some of their routines they had been working on, now the instructor is trying and hoping to get them to join the Dance Virtuosa studio. Overall, the hip hop dance camp went really well on Saturday and we got some very positive feedback from our clients as well as from the staff at Dance Virtuosa. There was lots of interest in continuing dance lessons so, we hope they gain some new clients themselves from the weekend!
Stay tuned for more events happening in July!