Written by: Jordyn Connell, SportWORKS Officer, Sport for Newcomers Charlottetown

And that’s a wrap!
Hi Everyone,
Our Sport for Newcomers initiative in Charlottetown that we have been working on has finished. We wrapped up our events this week with our final newcomer golf session at the Belvedere Golf Club in Charlottetown. Much like our previous golf clinic held at Red Sands Golf Course, these lessons were run by coaches of the Prince Edward Island Golf Association (PEIGA) over a four week span. Every Sunday evening in July we met at Belvedere Golf Club for three lessons with six of our newcomer clients in each session, the coaches would cover the skills and how to use different clubs in the golf bag.

The sessions started off with putting lessons, then chipping lessons, hitting irons on the range, and then on the final day they were learning to hit drivers and hybrids on the range. The lessons went great and we had even more inquiries from newcomer clients wanting to continue with lessons. We would like to thank PEIGA and their coaches for helping us put on two very successful golf sessions over the past two months!

The past four months, Commonwealth Sport Canada and the Sport for Newcomers initiative has allowed us to introduce many different sports to our newcomer clients barrier free. We covered flag football, judo, track and field, basketball, dance, and golf and were able to hold multiple sessions for all of these sports to get the most newcomer kids involved as possible. Overall, our events were very successful, getting many kids involved in a multitude of sports. Throughout these events we have had many inquiries from the participants as well as their parents about how to register and continue participating in the given sports. This program was of course a great opportunity for our youth clients to get involved in sports on PEI, but it was also a great opportunity for the organizations as we had many clients sign up for full time programming after they participated in the S4N initiative. With PEI being so small we were able to expand our programming from east to west getting as many newcomers involved as possible. This was a great opportunity for us, our clients, local businesses and sport organizations. We hope to continue to be able to offer programming like the S4N initiative again here in Charlottetown and all over the Island.