Time has flown by these last two months! It’s crazy to think that I have just over 1 month left in this beautiful country. Since my last blog post we have been working on so many projects and meeting with so many people within the BNOC and around Gaborone .
At the beginning of October we had the opportunity to go to a Rugby certification course and meet the Botswana women’s rugby 7’s team. The coaches course was very eye opening as coaches from all over the country travelled to attend to improve and progress in their coaching careers. While at the course, it was eye opening to see the lack of females at the course despite there being many in Botswana.

The Women’s 7’s Rugby Team Training
As for the women’s rugby team, they were in the middle of a training session getting ready to prepare for their tournament. They are all very athletic and it was amazing to see the effort that they put into their workout and support for each other.
In the office we are currently making progress re-formatting the BLTAD’s and talking to many sport federations about some of the issues surrounding the frameworks. It is difficult getting a hold of a few of them but some organizations are very eager to see a change within their sports.
On our off days we have been exploring more of Gaborone. Just recently we went rhino tracking at Mokolodi Nature Reserve. We really lucked out and were able to see the rhinos within the first hour! This left time for us to explore some more and see other animals such as impalas, giraffes and zebras.
Overall, I am excited to keep on exploring and making progress with the national sport federations.